
Saved by the rain

So remember back when I said my little tomato seedlings would be a failure this year? They were flagging behind so badly that I had to buy transplants from the local greenhouse?

Well turns out I spoke too soon. My little tomato seedlings are bushy and green and happy. They're shorter than the transplants, and not blooming yet, but they're healthy and happy to be there.

I've mulched them with straw again this year, and I've started watering them with coffee to perk them up a bit, and I think they're going to pull through for me after all.

Now I can spend all of my time worrying about the eggplants. I'd forgotten that I planted eggplants, and discovered the seedlings in the seed starter under the deck, drowning and runty. But I put them in the garden anyway, and I think they're starting to stage a comeback after burning and wilting for a week or so.

So far, I am experiencing great garden success in 2006. Now if I could only do something about the cat fights...

1 comment:

Amy Urquhart said...

I guess you don't have problems with rabbits...my eggplants were getting chomped on. I really have to get those chicken wire cloches made!