
Nice weather, if you're a duck

Today is a sad day.

The weather's been uncooperative the past few days, as the other night we actually had a risk of frost. It was 3.5 degrees C when we woke up. That's not enough degrees. I had to cover selected plants with sheets, mostly those on the deck, and just hope for the best, because I have planted so many frost-sensitive things that I'd need a one-acre sheet to cover it all. And it's been raining raining raining for the past week or so. Sunday was a nice day, but I managed to get a nasty sunburn, and then it rained again in the evening.

Thanks to a really dumb financial screw-up, we've been a bit broke for the past few days. It's been kind of interesting to watch our pennies in this way, but luckily hubby's paid tomorrow so we can start living the high life again. I'm kidding, of course; we never stopped living the high life.

And to top it all off, my team lost the Stanley Cup last night. Booo Hisss. I'm not even a hockey fan. I take bandwagon-jumping to new lengths, and during Stanley Cup playoffs (somewhere around the first series), I become a hockey fan. We watched all of the games, picked some favourite players (I unimaginatively chose Alfredsson and Fisher), and were seriously rooting for the Senators, but alas, it was not meant to be. Instead, Disneylan-er-I mean Anaheim, won Canada's biggest prize. Now I like Teemu Selanne as much as the next woman, but it would have been nice had my underdogs been the ones to raise the cup. Ah well. I look forward to next year, when perhaps I'll start watching in the regular season.

This morning we drove by a dead mallard duck on the highway. How sadly un-ironic. What a missed opportunity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pfft, since when has Ottawa been the underdog?

Hope your plants did okay!