
What a difference a week makes

Hey everybody! I went on vacation last week!
One would not naturally assume that when one takes a vacation to British Columbia in mid-late April, one would experience a snowstorm. But I guess that's Canada for ya. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, it was about +27 degrees and tropical, so I came back to this:

And, more importantly, this:

The cat's not dead, he's just lazy. Looking at this photo makes me realize that my black cat's not as black as I always thought he was. Huh. Like a panther. Do you know that they're actually spotted?

Anyway, the vacation was good, but back home all the snow was melting and the garden was growing. When we returned, I was able to rake out all the dead stuff and get a move on outside, but gardening with a puppy is challenging, especially when the hubby's out fishing for the weekend. Being a single parent is hard.

But Rosie turned a new leaf while we were away. My parents had her, and had a wonderful time. We almost didn't get her back. Apparently she's developed a taste for running around in swamps and eating rawhides, which are pretty harmless habits. Also, she experienced being tied up for the day, and she was ok with it. They had lots of playtime and the weather was great, and she slept a lot during her stay. Now that we've got her back, she's all mature and stuff. She doesn't bite us anymore, and she's more mellow. We can put her to bed earlier, and just turn out all the lights and she's fine. This morning I also noticed that she's lost some of her baby teeth. I'm sad. My baby's growing up. She had her final shots on Saturday, and graduated from Puppy K (not with flying colours but that's just as well. Probably my fault), and she weighs 32.6 lbs. And now she is losing her teeth.

She still attacks the cat really hard - I'm not sure when or if that will pass, but I am ready anytime. It's very stressful. They're better outside, but inside it's total chaos. My poor cat's fur is always crusty around the neck and ears area.

In the garden, the bulbs are up though I am a bit disappointed - I think I may have lost some over the winter because I could swear that I had waaaay more tulips planted than what I see. Like I should have in the neighborhood of 50, and I only see about 20. Perhaps some of them aren't really up yet.

The perennials were all poking their heads up even through the snow, so I can now also see where things didn't come back. One of these days I will reconcile myself to the now-irrefutable fact that I cannot grow artichokes. It makes me sad. Not that I love eating them, I just think they're fantastic-looking. When I uncovered the buckets full of leaves that I'd covered the artichokes with last fall, all I saw was black mush. I don't think they're coming back.

The perennials are all out at the garden centres now, which is a ton of fun. I want some new things this year, surprise surprise. I think I'd like a few more ornamental grasses for the area around the veggie garden, and some tall red flowers (lobelia?) for the perennial beds and veggie garden areas. I want to attract more hummingbirds. I have a lot of monarda, but I think it might need to be refreshed and spread around. I love me some monarda.

As for the veggie garden, I really have to get a move-on and work it. Luckily, the last few days haven't been great or warm so I have a bit of a grace period, but I have to get the garden composted, turned, and tilled/formed into rows next weekend so I can plant out the onions, beets, lettuce, spinach and other early direct-seeded veggies. The rhubarb is up, and some onions, and all of the garlic that I planted last fall (yay!) and I will have to work around the strawberries, sage, and inevitable cilantro that'll be up before long.

I also have to figure out what the hell I'm going to do about my squash and melons. I'm thinking they'll go at the edges of my perennial beds so they can tumble out and over the lawn. It'll be a mess. I have a great spot at the back of the house but unfortunately it's bordered by railway ties so I can't grow any edibles there. I am wondering about sunlight levels on the west side of my veggie garden, and whether I can make a quickie newspaper garden there for the behemoth plants. Maybe that'll be a plan for next year. This year, I think I will have to improvise.

Tomorrow I'm going to pick up my potoatoes, and bags of shrimp or mushroom compost, and some peat moss. I also should have bought a tie-out for Rosie, so she can be close to me in the veggie garden but ideally not peeing or digging in the soil. Or worse. I will need a new garden gate and I think I am going to go professional this time, and buy something sturdy. She is a lot different than a delicate cat.

I also have to pot up my tomato seedlings, becasue they're enormous and leggy and not looking so hot. I can fix it, but I should act fast. Like tonight. Maybe I'll ask hubby for an hour off of dog duty and do that this evening. Or I'll let her 'help' me outside on the picnic table. Ha. I need to find a spot to harden them off...every year I burn the leaves in the sun, so ideally I need a shady spot out of the wind to start, then gradually bring them into the bright sunlight. They look soft.

The peppers are coming up - a bit slower than the tomatoes but that's not unusual. I also have basil, thai basil, and my "Big Max" pumpkins which have sprouted, and will likely need potting up by tonight as well.

I have to look at the garden plan and plot my time. I also have to be reasonable, because with the dog, I get a lot less done. I do, however, want to buy more fruit trees and plants (blueberries?), and this year, I will probably part ways with the old plum tree. I'll wait until it blooms though - it's so pretty.

(Sigh). How can something so enjoyable also be so stressful!? I need another vacation.


Leaving on a jet plane.

On Friday, despite it being kind of a busy time at work, the weather taking a turn for much better at home, and my desperate fear of flying, hubby and I are leaving for a week-long vacation in BC.

We booked this trip way before Rosie was a twinkle in our eyes, so there are some canine logistics to be worked out. Turns out, Rosie doesn't pack light. I need to gather up her crate, her food, her bed, her dishes, her many toys, her leashes, etc., etc., pack it up and take it, along with the dog, to my parents' place, where she will be pampered for a week (I hope). I'm sad to be leaving her, and will miss her terribly, but on the other hand I am looking forward to a week of doing whatever we want whenever we want and, especially, sleeping in. I intend to sleep a lot.

Rosie's becoming quite the little lady now. She's biting me a lot less (though this morning was still a bit rough) so my hands are healing up nicely. She is responding to the squirt bottle training technique we adopted out of desperation, which we use only when she's going nuts on the cat or biting us. Now, sometimes she will calm down when we just hold the spray bottle. Sometimes she licks it. Maybe it won't be effective for very long but for now Loki's appreciating the reprieve.

She has become a real dog. It's funny; one minute she's a tiny delicate puppy who can't even get up onto the futon, and the next minute she's a DOG, jumping up on all the furniture and running over the back of the couch. She's getting leggy, and is all claws and elbows. We keep her lean and exercise her a lot so she's not chubby, and the large-breed puppy food we feed her is keeping her growth at a nice slow rate, so she's not over-size or stressed. She has a lovely face and we've taught her to "kiss kiss" which is the cutest thing going. She loves routine, so when she wakes me up at 5:30 a.m. to pee, she immediately comes back inside and heads straight to the futon for a snoozy cuddle time. I kind of look forward to it, even though I protest the early start.

Anyway, next week will be mommy and daddy time. We're looking forward to going to the Vancouver aquarium and visiting the otters behind the scenes. I am very much looking forward to visiting my cousin who I haven't seen in 12 years, and her husband and four children who I have never met (she has another on the way!). I can't wait to stay with my girlfriend in Kelowna for a few days, and hang out with her little dude (and observe the growth of his new little baby brother/sister, due this summer). We will get our baby mojo on with all of these pregnant mommies around!

When we get back, I fully expect spring to be in full swing. Already the grow-op is going full speed, I have the lights rigged on timers and EVerything. So far I've started:

- Red peppers (up)
- Cayenne peppers (coming up)
- Striped tomatoes (waaay up)
- Roma Tomatoes (waaay up)
- Melons (just started on Saturday)
- Squash (ditto)
- Basil (")
- Thai basil (")
- Pumpkins (")
- Ground cherries (")

Hopefully the snow will be long gone when we get back and then my order of operations will be:

1. Fix my fences - the snow toppled them.
2. Get a new garden gate, esp. now with the dog
3. Get a tie-out for Rosie, for the front lawn
4. Till the garden. Dig in compost. Remove weeds and dead stuff.
5. Make rows in the garden.
6. Plant the spring crops (spinach, coriander, etc.)
7. Get the new greenhouse-row cover-coldframe set up in the garden
8. Plant out the tomatoes and peppers in said coldframe
9. Figure out a spot for the large vines - the pumpkins, squash, and melons.
...and everything after that is status quo.

I hope I have time for the garden this year. We're looking for an electric lawnmower too, and some flagstones, so I can finally dress up the area around the firepit with my new side-by-side Muskoka chair (and table) from Costco, on a wee flagstone patio. We also have to (sigh) start thinking about the renovations again. I need an influx of money.

OK I'm getting ahead of myself. One thing at a time. We're off to BC. I can't wait.


And the winner is....

The irises! (photo taken April 5, 2008). More evidence of spring and it's springing.


Talk me down why don't ya

Today has not been the best.

Rosie got me up at 5:30 a.m. That isn't the worst thing ever, except that last night's bedtime was fraught with anxiety re: the cat, the dog, the husband, etc. So I don't know if I fell asleep very peacefully. Hubby's flair for the dramatic can make my blood pressure rise, as when I say "what's going on down there?" he'll say something subtle like "all hell is breaking loose down here - the dog is trying to KILL the cat!" So yeah, not too relaxing for bedtime.

We haven't been getting along great these days. I don't know if we're resentful towards each other because of the dog, or if we're competitive with each other -- I tend to think it's a bit of both -- but we are fighting like the cat and the dog. Well maybe more silently and less physically. I don't know how to address it, I'm in a bit over my head. The tension does break, for example we don't seem to fight once we're at work and e-mailing each other, but at home it's just nasty a lot of the time. We're both frustrated, resentful, tired, feeling put out, and full-on taking it out on each other.

So this morning was the pits. Up at 5:30, out for a pee break (not for me, for the dog), then a cozy nap on the futon, which has become my favourite time of day since Rosie gets nice and snuggly on me. Then she wakes up, bites me for awhile and trots off, and has to pee again. Today, I put on my lined rubber boots and jacket over my housecoat and nightie, and went out. Which would be fine, except that I thought she had to poo so I brought her to the side, and she walked down too far and got wrapped around a tree. I let go of the leash to try to get her back that way, but the leash got tangled in the tree, which was in the deep deep snow and down a hill, on the edge of the forest. So I had to go in. I was walking on top of the snow just fine, then sunk in. Up to my knees. Half naked, bare legged, and really really pissed off. I did this a bunch of times. My feet and shins were raw and miserable. I was blowing blue smoke out of my ears, I'm sure, and swearing like a sailor.

Then hubby woke up, and shaved at a leisurely pace on the couch, which pissed me off more. I don't think he know exactly how rotten my morning had been up to that point. The dog was jumping all over the place so I left her with him and I took a shower. Put my bathrobe back on. Then hubby had a [waaay too long but that's another issue] shower but Rosie had to go BACK out meanwhile, so out I went again wearing hubby's boots this time, my housecoat, and jacket, but nothing under my housecoat. She went down the front yard to poo, and I followed. For some reason. And sunk in again. Le sigh.

Then we had chaos leaving, I ONCE AGAIN didn't have any time to do my hair or makeup, and so I look a tired wreck, and Rosie got frantic when I went upstairs to change, and so when I came back down she started jumping at me and biting me and nipping my legs and pulling on my sweater, and hubby just sort of stood there not knowing what to do, which sent me into a snarling rage. I was literally stunned into silence by the time I got into the car, I was so angry at the world. Rosie didn't want to go into her crate and was barking so loud we could hear it from the car.

Then I had a combative complainy meeting for two hours once I got to work. More sigh.

And to top it all off, it's frigging snowing. April 4. And it's yucky wet snow and makes everything dirty and messy and terrible. To quote the inestimable Liz Lemon "Augh, Everything's the worst."

Today is the kind of day where I need a start-over. It feels like nothing will ever get better. It feels like I will always be tired, the dog will always be misbehaving, we will always be fighting, winter will never go away, work will always stink and we will always be panicked and running late for everything. I hate it all.

So talk me down already. I think I need to go home and get dee-runk.


Spring is springing

OK let's get this over with quickly. Mandatory cute animal picture for today. Hold onto your hats :

I think Rosie was surprised to see me. In order to be able to take this picture, I had to kind of jump out at them from around the doorframe. Loki looks nonplussed.
So spring is finally springing, I do believe. Things are melting, the dog poo is in full bloom, and my seedlings are growing up into leggy little tomatoes and peppers. Pretty soon I will have to find a dog-proof (ha!) spot in front of a southern window for my little greenhouse, and move the tomatoes and peppers to the grown-up table. Next up at the kiddie table are melons and squash, which need 4 to 6 weeks before last frost, and I'm going to tempt fate by starting them April 6. Maybe I should wait oooone more weekend. I have the garden all planned out already and yes, it's ambitious, and yes, it will probably not work out and be infested by cucumber beetles and cilantro and weeds and probably I will forget to water it or mulch properly, and I will get earwigs in my peppers and my tomatoes will be late, but what the heck. I amuse myself.
I want to find a good book on survival, or 'wild', food from my area. I would like to do at least one meal using the ingredients found in our yard. I would call it the 100-metre diet. Thing is, within 100 metres of my house, I have the following native delicacies:
- burdock (ha! lots of it)
- mushrooms (in fall)
- wild ginger (I promise not to take much of it)
- dandelions (meh)
- birch trees (I am interested in making flour out of the bark, for some odd reason)
- miscellaneous edible flowers
- black raspberries
- red raspberries
- wild strawberries
- fiddleheads (spring only)
- venison (ha ha ha)
- sumac berries
- nettles
...and I'm sure there are more things that I'm forgetting. Perhaps I could serve venison with a sauce of wild ginger, sumac berries, and mushrooms, garnished with edible flowers, served with burdock and steamed nettles on the side, paired with a lovely dandelion wine.
Sounds like a lot of work.
Can you milk deer? ("I got nipples Focker, can you milk me?") I could then conceivably make deer cheese. That should have been the title of this post.