
Better late than never

I’m a big liar and didn’t post pictures of my Halloween party last week like I said I would. It was a great success (I think) – in total 27 people showed up, the place looked great, and we had so much food that I never even remembered to crack into the boxes of frozen hors d’oeuvres I’d bought in a panic at 4:30 p.m. Now I look forward to enjoying hors d’oeuvres for dinner some night.

People took the zombie theme and ran with it, even though dressing as a zombie wasn’t mandatory. We had a zombie fisherman (dear hubby), a zombie bride, a zombie fireman, a zombie barbarian, a zombie tinkerbell, a zombie doctor, a zombie cowboy, a zombie country girl and me, the zombie hostess. We also had a mad doctor, a clown, a Patsy from Absolutely Fabulous, a beautiful Wakefield lady, a man in a sari and pearls, his lady friend in a long Moroccan jacket (kind of a last-minute costume), a mummy, a Bolivian person (actually a Cuban person in a Bolivian hat), a spooky scarecrow, a Frida Kahlo, a man in a fur vest and bowler hat (maybe he was a zombie man in a fur vest and bowler hat?) an undertaker, a sex criminal, a pumpkin, a family of circus freaks (a bearded lady, a werewolf, a baby werewolf, and a ringleader) and I guess that about does it. There was dancing. At one point, we had 100% dance floor participation, as everyone contributed a semi-coordinated effort to Thriller, of course (zombie anthem).

The next morning I was full of vim and vigour and got up at 7 a.m. and cleaned the house. I crashed around 2 or 3 but there’s nothing I love more than having a party and then, the next day, getting the house cleaner than it was before.

Now here we are at November 10th already. We visited the cottage construction site on Sunday and oh man, am I jealous. It is gorgeous. And expensive. The roof is on and it’s the talk of the lake. Once the windows go in it will truly be stunning. We moved our mini-kayaks into our trailer and tarped it up, and it’s pretty much ready for winter now – though Ben the builder still has to put a little roof over it. We may go up one more time once the windows are in the cottage, just to check it out.
I’m off tomorrow because government employees get to stay home on Remembrance Day. I have a day of medical interventions planned – at 7 a.m. I’m going to go and try to get a flu shot for the H1N1, because I’ve had rather a yucky case of asthma since I was 12 and any respiratory illnesses would be rather serious for me. Then I get to go to the fertility clinic and have another blood test and ultrasound. I hope to be home for 11, so I can clean my house and perhaps teach my neighbor how to knit. I am working on my Christmas knitting and making good progress, aided by the fact that a new yarn ‘warehouse’ opened up not too far from my workplace. There goes the neighborhood. On Friday I look forward to a visit from my cousin and her boyfriend, who I have not met, and who knows what the weekend will bring – perhaps I’ll try taking Rosie to the city again, if the weather’s nice.
No more parties for awhile. Our next big thing is a trip to San Francisco in a month, and then onto Christmas. Ah Christmas.

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