
Readjusting my sensors

Wow, it's fall. Just like that. I got busy at work, went to Winnipeg for almost a week, and now I'm back and it's full-on crazy-time fall. The leaves are glorious, the weather is chilly, and I had to scrape the car this morning.

The biggest downside of fall is that I notice that the older I get, the more sensitive I am to environmental change. When I was young I never noticed it, but now that I'm at the ripe old age of 33, I notice when the seasons change, I feel it physically. Everyone around me is sick, and it's unusual that I'm not sick as well, though I feel like I am staving something off. My bones hurt. I am exhausted. I can't wake up in the morning, because it's so dark. I have zero energy at night. All I want to eat is heavy pasta casseroles with lots of cheese and red wine and bread, so I am not exactly losing weight. My skin's all dry and itchy. I have no desire to be outside. When I'm at home, I'm usually outfitted in head-to-toe polar fleece.

In good news, the house is done for the year. We have one more day's work on it, which will be tomorrow, as it's going up to +17. It looks fan-freaking-tastic. I actually find that it looks TOO clean, my eyes have to readjust, as I'm used to the front of the house looking like a tarpaper shack. I have all new brushed-metal light fixtures, which finally illuminate the path approaching my house, so no more injured trick-or-treaters. What's left to do are the upper parts of the house - three small angled walls for which I'll have to stand on the roof, and which will require a coordinated effort so as not to prolong the roof-standing. I have to paint the frames of 4 long windows red, but that can no longer be done this year. Then I have to hire someone to put in new soft and eavestroughing, and we have to re-do the deck including railings. I had hoped that part of the deck would be done for this year, but it's realistically not going to happen, considering that we have yet to deal with the firewood, make cider, finish off the inside of the bathroom window, have two waves of company visit, and potentially start clearing our waterfront lot.

Oh did I not mention the waterfront lot?

This coming winter I think I will focus on the interior. I want to fix up the basement so it's more usable and not as scary/filthy. I want a new tile backsplash in the kitchen, which I've been dithering on for 3 years. I potentially want a new, deeper bathtub. I want usable storage in the basement to remedy the fact that we currently have had to cut a path through the junk to the workshop/laundry area.

I will post pictures soon. In the meantime, let's think about that waterfront lot.....

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