
T-Minus 4 Days

Today is Dec. 15. That means several things:

- Austrians arrive in four days;
- Today is my last day in my current job;
- Loki's been missing for 11 days;

- Tomorrow is my first day at my new job.

Some of those are happy and some are obviously not.

In spite of our recent tragedy, I've been able to accomplish many of my listed items in advance of xmas.

On Saturday I went shopping with my mom and bought one of everything I saw. Or so it seemed. Christmas shopping has now tipped the scale from mostly-not-done to mostly-done.

On Sunday we cleaned the house. Most of the house. It's gotten to the point where we're only cleaning the visible areas - the basement is now at the bottom of the priority list. Each area we approach we ask ourselves "are our guests really going to see this?" and if the answer's no, we leave it a hairy mess.

Also on Sunday, I fixed a few things in the bathroom. It now is almost presentable. However, the décor is rather strange; it's like two rooms in one. If you turn one way, it's a vivid green room with lots of knicknacks, if you turn the other, it's a study in subtle browns and off-whites. I will make my mind up some other day.

Also also on Sunday, I baked cookies. Four kinds of cookies, not all successful. I bought waaay too much butter, so I can re-make some of the cookies if need be. My 'Chewy Ginger Cookies' became 'crispy burnt ginger pancakes', as I guestimated the amount of butter I used. Hubby says they're wonderful so he gets all 96 of them. The pecans on the bottom of the Swedish Tea Rings burnt, and so I yanked them out of the oven and then added the jam too late, so it didn't get to cook into the cookies. Half of my lemon-poppyseed-cranberry cookies were burnt on the bottom, and the ones on the other ends of the trays were under-cooked. I have determined that I need a new oven, or need to be more on top of the one I've got. I have to watch it like a hawk.

Another thing I have to watch like a hawk? Rosie, my soap-eating dog.

Friday night I bought a big pack of soap bars and put them in a big jar with a lid on the bathroom vanity. Two bars didn't fit, so I opened the drawer, put them in the back, and closed it again. Rosie was watching me the whole time. I went into the kitchen to speak to hubby, and about 10 minutes later Rosie came wandering in smacking her lips. I said "what have you got there?" 'cause she's always chewing on something or other, and I hooked my finger into her mouth. It came out frothy and smelling of lavendar. I yelled "oh shit!" and ran to the bathroom, where I discovered the drawer open, and BOTH bars of soap lying on the ground. Or rather, 1.2 bars of soap. She ate the other 0.8, paper and all. We called the emergency vet line, and they said "unless you can deal with two to three days of diarrhea, you should induce vomiting." So we did, with hydrogen peroxide (gross), which made her visibly recoil after she drank it.

She sat there, looking as green as a black lab can look, ears pinned to her head with sad little eyes. Then she belched.

Then 3 minutes later she barfed. It came out like a milkshake, mixed with her dinner. It was a frothy white puddle of lavendar-smelling puke, really pleasant to clean up. She did it once again after I went to bed - with soap chunks this time - and then she was totally fine. Lesson learned: get kiddy locks for bathroom drawers, in case she acquires a taste for toothpaste, allergy pills, hair gel, tylenol, or any other potentially-deadly bathroom things.

She is clever, my Rosie: clever enough to open drawers, but not quite clever enough not to eat soap.

One other new development before I head off to my new job - Sasha, my female cat, has become a lot more tolerant of Rosie in Loki's absence. Who knows what goes on in their minds or their communication, but Sasha's become a bit more self-confident and she can now comfortably lie on the couch with the dog, without any claws or chasing or anything. This is big news. Sasha's lived on top of the red chair and on the kitchen table since last February, as she never developed the required sense of humour to deal with the puppy. Hence she weighs about 25 lbs - from all the sitting around and the stress eating. Rosie's more mellow now (imperceptibly, I'm sure), and they're coming around.

I may or may not have time to write again before my holidays (17 days off woooooo!) so if I don't, have a happy one.

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