
It's never dull

The holidays are over and I'm back at work, staring at a snowstorm and eating a falafel sandwich. I craved garlic after a coworker microwaved her garlicky lunch in the kitchen adjacent to my office. Mmmm garlic. I am so susceptible. Also, the snow seems to be falling upwards.

We had a great time. The family was wonderful; they loved their land that we bought them with their money, Christmas gifts were all a great success in both directions, we bowled, we snow-shoed, we ate, we pipe-dreamed, we drank, and I learned how to play canasta. Nasty canasta.

When Christmas was over and the Austrians left, on Dec. 29 (Rosie's first birthday!), I had another challenge ahead of me. As we had lost our Loki, and hubby had posted notices all over town looking for him, my kindergarten teacher - with whom I am in touch regularly - called me to let me know that she had a stray black cat around her place and would I come take a look? I knew in my gut that it wasn't Loki (too far away) but I went anyway. It turned out to be a sort of ratty-looking long-haired black cat, who was very friendly. I promised my teacher that I'd make him my problem, since she didn't want to encourage him to stick around and he was getting kind of skinny. She was concerned but really didn't want a cat.

I brought him home and installed him in our basement apartment, which is apparently a popular spot for transients and needy folk of all kinds (my busted-up neighbor, our friend whose house burned down, our friend who couldn't afford rent in town). I started to feed him, and brush him. I brushed out about a pound of dull, unused fur. I learned that he is an intact male and that his pee stinks real bad. I also learned that he has worms and possible other parasites, so I made an appointment to bring him to the vet, before he could pass anything to my other pets.

I brought him in on the weekend, and when we got there, the nurse asked me "what's this cat's name?" I went "uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Harry? 'Cause he's hairy?" and then Harry had his first vet check-up. We learned that he's one year old at the very most, probably younger. We learned that he is 10 lbs. We learned that he's an excellent patient (he's very friendly) who didn't complain at all when he got his shots. We learned that he hasn't got fleas, but that he had a terrible yeast infection in his ears. I made him an appointment to be neutered as well, just in case I couldn't find him a home in time and he starts spraying my house or fighting with the neighbors.

All in all, he's a healthy and friendly little bugger. I was starting to get a wee bit attached, despite my dislike of long-haired cats, which is not his fault. I put him back in the basement for now, and upgraded his food a bit. Hubby decided he liked the name 'Farley' better so now he's 'Harry/Farley'. I continue to brush him and feed him cod liver oil, as part of his makeover.

On Monday, hubby went to work and put out the word that we have a cat up for grabs. One of his most-liked coworkers said "as a matter of fact, we have been looking for a cat for our 12-year-old daughter." Turns out, she wants a long-haired, friendly, young cat, black is ok, and male is preferred. They had been looking for one at the SPCA for some time with no luck. Harry/Farley had her at hello, or rather, once she saw the pictures hubby took of him.
I suspect he may be full of beans. Ssh.
So Harry/Farley has found a forever home, starting January 24. They are over the moon and excited to meet him. Hubby has great respect for this lady and says she will be a great cat mom. It is a perfect match, and it warms the cockles of my little heart. There is something karmically good about this.
In other pet news, Sasha's getting along much better with Rosie, since Loki's gone. They even kiss and will sleep next to each other, which is really big news as she's spent the last 10 months avoiding Rosie completely. Rosie turned one on Dec. 29, and got lots of toys for her birthday and christmas, as well as a 'happy birthday' dog cookie with dog-friendly icing. She had no idea what was going on. She was ok with the visitors but she jumped on them incessantly, so I guess she wasn't really that ok. We're just used to it. She is on big-dog food (no more puppy food), and we've gradually cut out lunch, and she'll be happy to be back to her routine. She's better when she knows her parameters. She is still knock-out gorgeous.

But there has been one big change: Rosie now sleeps on the bed. Something I said I'd never do. Now that Loki's gone, she's great on the bed and sleeps like a rock - no more spite-peeing! She actually sleeps in. Sasha will also sleep on the bed some nights. In the mornings, Rosie wriggles up and continues to sleep wedged between us - it's pretty cute. Once the novelty of this wears off, I am hoping that she'll sleep anywhere, preferably on the floor next to our bed. We shall see. In the meantime, don't judge me. We no longer have a working heater in the bedroom. I am used to having warm snuggly animal bodies on the bed and was missing one of mine.

1 comment:

Amy Urquhart said...

I'm still sad that Loki is gone, but I have to say Farley is an excellent name for a friendly, long-haired cat.