
Coming Into the Home Stretch

Today is exactly one month until my projected due date. I'm trusting you all with this information in the knowledge that you know how these things go, and you won't be calling me the evening of August 14 to see what's happening. I've done this to people (sorry Peg) and I'm sure it's really irritating.

Now that I'm a month out, I can see how pregnant ladies get sick of being pregnant. I was enjoying it immensely up until about a week ago, when the weather turned hot and nasty and I had to have an emergency air conditioner installed (thanks mom and dad). I'm pretty sure it saved my life. My next move was going to be spending nights at the office.

I feel large. Stretched. Shocked that there's still a month of growing left in me. When I walk, my lower belly feels uncomfortable, as the 8-or-so pounds of baby business bounces on top of my internal organs. My belly skin is tight like a drum, and I have to remember to moisturize moisturize moisturize because I already have one stretch mark and I don't want more. When the baby moves now, I feel it under my ribs AND on my bladder at the same time. This morning I lay on my back and could clearly feel her head (down, which is good), her curved back, and her bum. She's still pretty tiny (it's all relative) but if she decided to be born right now, I don't know that they'd do much to stop her.

There are some distinct advantages to being very pregnant, however, and as someone who looks for the silver lining in every situation (ha!) I will say that these advantages are:

  1. People open doors for you.
  2. Nobody expects much. Some people are shocked to see me still at work.
  3. You always have an excuse if you don't want to go anywhere or socialize.
  4. You get to have as many naps as you want.
  5. People carry things for you.
  6. Nobody says anything when you eat 3 delicious scones in a row. With jam. Or 5 cupcakes at your baby shower.
  7. There's only a month or so left until you can have a celebratory glass of wine. ONE, people, don't look at me like that. 9 months is a long time.
  8. There are only 10 days left of work (in my case, as of today). After which I can be officially unavailable for comment. Stretchy pants here I come!

Some things from the first trimester have returned: I am really tired. I need to eat often, like, every 3 hours or I feel I may pass out. Heartburn makes me avoid certain foods. But enough with the complaining, in a month or so I'll be a mum and will forget about all of these trivial things, much like I've already forgotten the nasty processes it took to get me into this situation. Pregnancy is pretty fun overall – I highly recommend it. However, ask me again in a month…

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