
Carbing up

OK so since there's no more gardening or weddings or anything, I've decided I'm going to write about food and knitting. Gennyland loves food, and gennyland's really into knitting.

Right now I am loving the following foods:

dried prunes (or fruits of any kind, really)
Mediterranée yoghurt (it's like pudding) - peach flavour
chewy chocolate brownies
Montreal-style bagels
...and I'm putting sundried tomatoes in everything.

What are your favourite foods right now? (I know there are maybe one or two of you out there who might answer this...)


Amy Urquhart said...

Greek salad. Mmmm.

Comfort food to me is warm yummy stuff like chili, shaved roast beef au jus on a bun.

Anonymous said...

I'm a lurker and a reader, and now I'm a first time commenter.

My current food fave is spaghetti squash. I got one at the grocery store just for the seeds, and have finally figured out how to cook it. That said, I'm making a lot of spaghetti squash dishes with it.