
Spreading Love to All

Happy New Year everyone.

Happy New Year to all the blogspammers. May 2006 bring you the best of luck selling your penis enlargements and no-fail stock tips. I wish you much success!! And for all of those lonely people surfing Blogger and leaving comments everywhere, happy new year to you too. May 2006 bring you a whole new social circle on which you may drop random comments and 'check-me-outs'. I wish you all the best. To ALL of my new friends from Blogger, those who know my name and those who don't really care, have a great 2006.

So my three-week vacation has left me a little more relaxed but no less black in the soul. Maybe it's coming on with old age. Someone told me that when you turn 30 you become less afraid of what people will think, less likely to worry when you barge in line or interrupt someone, more ballsy and a bit more rude. I think it's true. I think turning 30 has given me free license to be a nasty cynic and speak my mind. Perhaps it's the three weeks of isolation in the bush that I just endured (my car is un-driveable at the moment so I was housebound) but the holiday didn't make me any more charitable towards my coworkers or cheerful about getting up at 6:30 every morning. Ah here it is 3 p.m. According to my holiday schedule, it's about time to get up off the couch and make myself a drinky-poo.

I'm kidding of course. A bit. OK not kidding at all. Everyone at the office is all 'Happy new Year!'every time I turn around. It's enough to make a girl want to turn tail, go back to the bushes and stir herself a little Manhattan to make the cheerful chattering stop. sheesh.

1 comment:

Amy Urquhart said...

And now I have one more reason to add to the "pro" column of my Work @ Home list...