Today I had to visit the physiotherapist's office, to take care of my 90-year-old hip. She's a very nice young woman named Stephanie and it's kind of fun to go there in a sciencey way, but it's about a 15 minute walk from work, and today it was pouring rain. Like pouring.
As I am a genius, I decided this morning that instead of getting my nice leather sandals all wet, I would wear my rubber flip-flops and bring the sandals along. Well there was commotion before we left the house; the cat insisted on going out and then just sat under the picnic table, and we had to get her back in because 12 hours under a picnic table is no fun for anyone. I had to remember my brother's birthday present, and put it in a bag because of the rain. I had to find a raincoat. Hubby went out the wrong door to bring out the compost so I had to bring both coffees and lock up. So long story long, I forgot my nice sandals completely and I've been stuck in my yucky, stinky, flattened, paint-spattered flip-flops all day and I'm bitter about it.
Flip-flops are terrible in the rain. Your feet slide all around in them, side to side, and it's difficult to walk with any dignity. All they do is offer a layer of protection from the dirty pavement. They're especially no fun in the lobby of my building on a rainy day, as the floors are a polished marble, and soaking wet. That near-disaster should have been my first warning.
Anyway, again long story very long, I was walking to the physiotherapist's office at lunch, hating every minute of it, bracing my umbrella against the wind and pelting rain, when I slipped IN MY SHOES and fell down right in the middle of the street. As I was crossing. A rather handsome stranger rushed up and said "are you alright?" and I was like "oh yeah, fine, thanks" feeling like a complete idiot. I got up, brushed the bits of crud off of my soaking wet jeans, and pretended to carry on as though I was just fine, even though my bare toes had been crunched against the pavement and I believed that I could have been bleeding from one or both of my knees. Thanks to my red toenail polish I thought perhaps I was bleeding, but turns out I just put the polish on in the bumpy car this morning and it was all over my toes. Ha ha everything's fine folks!
It was an interesting fall. Falling is interesting, period. It's like it happened in slow motion. If you could read my interior monologue, it would have sounded something like this:
"oh dear, I'm falling.
Shit, what now?
Oh man, I'm STILL falling!
I can't believe it!
Oops, ok, tried to break my fall. That didn't work.
OK I am apparently still falling.
Oh, ok, watch the umbrella. Don't let go. Don't break it.
Oh no my bag's getting wet!
Wow ok I'm on the pavement. Guess it's time to get up again."
Does my mind work faster than most? Slower? It seemed like I was falling for about 10 minutes. OK not really. I got to physio and took off my pants and my left knee was skinned, but not bleeding. I proceeded to get a bit of acupuncture, but since it was my first time I moved, and my leg muscles went all weird and it felt like I had the jimmy legs. When I walked out of there, I felt like I was dragging it behind me kind of. I was afraid I'd fall down again.
I got back to the office, soaking wet and freezing, and then proceeded to slap peanut-sauce-covered noodles all over my face. (sigh). TGIF. Shit did I ever wash my face?
It's a Jungle out There
Wow has it ever been a rainy summer.
Last night I went out back to try to stain a few more boards, and as I went to the wood pile for some fresh ones, I noticed that everywhere I looked, in every frame, there were at least four or five slugs.
The slugs aren't so so bad just yet - they're about an inch or an inch and a half long, and while I have found a few in the veggie garden, so far the damage is minimal. But man are they gross. Have you ever tried to get slug slime off of your hands? It's nearly impossible! And seeing three or four of them feasting on a dead dandelion is one of the grossest things ever. I don't know why, they look like little turds or something, all slimy and brown and gluttonous. Blech.
And the grass is super long again, much to hubby's chagrin. For awhile it rained every day, and because we use a manual reel mower , it's really a mess to mow when it's wet. Now it's so long that it sees the mower coming and lies down. Poor hubby's had to hack at it with a scythe to get it tame enough to mow.
The flower garden is, on average, about 5 feet tall. I have cosmos this year that are approaching six feet before blooming. I don't know what that is - an abundance of nitrogen? - but it's kind of scary and where the cosmos were meant to be part of a nice planted pot, they're now more of a hedge. The apples will be huge this year, and we've collected nearly 5 lbs of black raspberries and a pound of red currants. All from the perennial garden.
The veggie garden's also doing well - the turnips are huge, and the pumpkins are blooming like crazy though there's not much fruiting going on. I have the dreaded cucumber beetle again. Next year I must buy proper seed potatoes, because the store-bought ones that I planted aren't blooming. There are tiny potatoes in the dirt, and I've unearthed one pretty big one (about 4" long), but the plants haven't bloomed and I was under the impression that harvest should only start once the plant has bloomed and started dying back. If I'm wrong, please let me know because I'm tempted to just eat all the little delicious marble-sized potatoes right away.
My grandmother gave me kale, for making boerenkool, and it has taken off. I was worried about deer, so I covered it in dog hair from a visiting Toulouse, but most of it has washed away. I've had no deer activity so far, thank god, and my kale harvest will be bountiful come September. My corn is about 2 feet tall, and I've been eating cherry tomatoes the last couple of days. The regular sized tomatoes haven't come yet. The beans are ready to pick, and I'm going to harvest them tonight for our cottage weekend (we're going away for a couple of days to Skootamatta lake, with a big gang of friends). The cilantro has all started to bloom, which is fine with me - I'll let it re-seed itself again this year, because it's really fun to have and really easy to pull out if it's a nuisance. My red peppers are coming along, but my cayennes are shrimpy this year. My romaine went bitter, I think. So far, my cucumbers are doing better than they were last summer, when the cucumber beetles got them from the get-go. I've been brutal about killing those little bastards, so maybe my efforts are finally paying off. And finally, the canna lilies are starting to unfurl their beautiful zebra-striped leaves, and I can't wait to see them towering over my garden.
Once I get a chance to get in there and clean things up, I will take some photos for sure.
And once the lawn is finally mowed, perhaps the yard will also be more presentable.
I finally learned the correct way to prune raspberry bushes. I think I had been confused about what it was that I'm growing for a number of years, but finally I figured it all out, and hopefully next year's batch won't be so painful to harvest but will still be equally bountiful. My arms are so scratched up I look like Courtney Love in 1994.
Last night I went out back to try to stain a few more boards, and as I went to the wood pile for some fresh ones, I noticed that everywhere I looked, in every frame, there were at least four or five slugs.
The slugs aren't so so bad just yet - they're about an inch or an inch and a half long, and while I have found a few in the veggie garden, so far the damage is minimal. But man are they gross. Have you ever tried to get slug slime off of your hands? It's nearly impossible! And seeing three or four of them feasting on a dead dandelion is one of the grossest things ever. I don't know why, they look like little turds or something, all slimy and brown and gluttonous. Blech.
And the grass is super long again, much to hubby's chagrin. For awhile it rained every day, and because we use a manual reel mower , it's really a mess to mow when it's wet. Now it's so long that it sees the mower coming and lies down. Poor hubby's had to hack at it with a scythe to get it tame enough to mow.
The flower garden is, on average, about 5 feet tall. I have cosmos this year that are approaching six feet before blooming. I don't know what that is - an abundance of nitrogen? - but it's kind of scary and where the cosmos were meant to be part of a nice planted pot, they're now more of a hedge. The apples will be huge this year, and we've collected nearly 5 lbs of black raspberries and a pound of red currants. All from the perennial garden.
The veggie garden's also doing well - the turnips are huge, and the pumpkins are blooming like crazy though there's not much fruiting going on. I have the dreaded cucumber beetle again. Next year I must buy proper seed potatoes, because the store-bought ones that I planted aren't blooming. There are tiny potatoes in the dirt, and I've unearthed one pretty big one (about 4" long), but the plants haven't bloomed and I was under the impression that harvest should only start once the plant has bloomed and started dying back. If I'm wrong, please let me know because I'm tempted to just eat all the little delicious marble-sized potatoes right away.
My grandmother gave me kale, for making boerenkool, and it has taken off. I was worried about deer, so I covered it in dog hair from a visiting Toulouse, but most of it has washed away. I've had no deer activity so far, thank god, and my kale harvest will be bountiful come September. My corn is about 2 feet tall, and I've been eating cherry tomatoes the last couple of days. The regular sized tomatoes haven't come yet. The beans are ready to pick, and I'm going to harvest them tonight for our cottage weekend (we're going away for a couple of days to Skootamatta lake, with a big gang of friends). The cilantro has all started to bloom, which is fine with me - I'll let it re-seed itself again this year, because it's really fun to have and really easy to pull out if it's a nuisance. My red peppers are coming along, but my cayennes are shrimpy this year. My romaine went bitter, I think. So far, my cucumbers are doing better than they were last summer, when the cucumber beetles got them from the get-go. I've been brutal about killing those little bastards, so maybe my efforts are finally paying off. And finally, the canna lilies are starting to unfurl their beautiful zebra-striped leaves, and I can't wait to see them towering over my garden.
Once I get a chance to get in there and clean things up, I will take some photos for sure.
And once the lawn is finally mowed, perhaps the yard will also be more presentable.
I finally learned the correct way to prune raspberry bushes. I think I had been confused about what it was that I'm growing for a number of years, but finally I figured it all out, and hopefully next year's batch won't be so painful to harvest but will still be equally bountiful. My arms are so scratched up I look like Courtney Love in 1994.
What I Did With My Summer Vacation, by Gennyland
But it will aaaaalll be worth it in the end.
The weekend was spent listening to more good tunes at the Bluesfest (Metric, Edie Brickell, Kanye West), and staining. And putting up boards with the super-fun nail gun. I am thrilled with how it is starting to shape up, but dang, I am tired of staining. I have a kink in my neck and I dream of wet paint.
.... and my husband is dreaming of blackberries. Here's a terrible shot of one evening's harvest - two tubs full. And we got another giant tub full the next night, and the night before. It's tyranny! I swear to you, it is stressful. All of the good ones are hidden, and the bugs eat you alive. These tubs represent a whole lotta hard work.
And to cap it off, since I don't want to be all doom-and-gloom, here's a shot of my lilies. Back story: I got these as a bonus for ordering such-and-such amount of bulbs one year (I believe it was the wedding year) and they were supposed to be white. They were white for the first year, I don't remember last year, but this year they look like this:
Which suits me just fine.
Tangled up in Blue
I've been back at work for two weeks, and the new-siding project has suffered considerably.
So far, I've only managed to stain a handful of boards. We've encountered setbacks: the delivery kept getting pushed back, it rained and rained, we had to stain only the boards that fit under the large screen tent we have set up in the yard, and we've been out at Bluesfest every single night.
Just to let you know, in case you were wondering, I'm not a blues fan. So before I get tarred with that 4/4 brush, while I can certainly appreciate the classics and the true Delta Blues, I'm not in any way a fan of contemporary blues music. In fact it repels me. However, this year our local bluesfest has benefitted from outside-the-box programming, and we have so far seen: Bob Dylan, Manu Chao, Michael Franti and Spearhead, The White Stripes (the best blues I've personally ever heard live), City and Colour, Femi Kuti, George Clinton and the P-Funk All-Stars, the Steve Miller band, Cat Power, tonight we'll see Tokyo Police Club, Edie Brickell and the New Bohemians, and Metric, and tomorrow night is DJ Champion and Kanye West. So you can see that our evenings have been filled and our feet sore from dancing.
When I'm not out bluesfesting, I'm staining boards blue. So I have a theme colour this week.
The house is going to look fabulous when it's done - I can hardly wait. Already my dad nailed up a few boards and it just looks so tidy and solid that I could cry. We will be warm this winter, dammit, what with all that styrofoam.
Nothing much else is new. I'm tired all the time from work and bluesfest and from constant cloudy rainy weather, the house is a mess, and the cat has started staying out all night again recently. Just when I thought he was cured of his evil spirits. The two of them have been rangy lately, probably because their routine is disrupted by our staying out late. The grass is too long; it seems to be the first thing that goes, but in all fairness, it's only because every day it's been too wet to mow. It seriously rains every single day. I haven't watered the garden or any of my pots in ages.
Thank god bluesfest is over soon so I can get some rest and get that siding up.
So far, I've only managed to stain a handful of boards. We've encountered setbacks: the delivery kept getting pushed back, it rained and rained, we had to stain only the boards that fit under the large screen tent we have set up in the yard, and we've been out at Bluesfest every single night.
Just to let you know, in case you were wondering, I'm not a blues fan. So before I get tarred with that 4/4 brush, while I can certainly appreciate the classics and the true Delta Blues, I'm not in any way a fan of contemporary blues music. In fact it repels me. However, this year our local bluesfest has benefitted from outside-the-box programming, and we have so far seen: Bob Dylan, Manu Chao, Michael Franti and Spearhead, The White Stripes (the best blues I've personally ever heard live), City and Colour, Femi Kuti, George Clinton and the P-Funk All-Stars, the Steve Miller band, Cat Power, tonight we'll see Tokyo Police Club, Edie Brickell and the New Bohemians, and Metric, and tomorrow night is DJ Champion and Kanye West. So you can see that our evenings have been filled and our feet sore from dancing.
When I'm not out bluesfesting, I'm staining boards blue. So I have a theme colour this week.
The house is going to look fabulous when it's done - I can hardly wait. Already my dad nailed up a few boards and it just looks so tidy and solid that I could cry. We will be warm this winter, dammit, what with all that styrofoam.
Nothing much else is new. I'm tired all the time from work and bluesfest and from constant cloudy rainy weather, the house is a mess, and the cat has started staying out all night again recently. Just when I thought he was cured of his evil spirits. The two of them have been rangy lately, probably because their routine is disrupted by our staying out late. The grass is too long; it seems to be the first thing that goes, but in all fairness, it's only because every day it's been too wet to mow. It seriously rains every single day. I haven't watered the garden or any of my pots in ages.
Thank god bluesfest is over soon so I can get some rest and get that siding up.
I'm back
Awright the fun's over.
I had to come back to work yesterday, kicking and screaming. It's cold here, and very quiet, and it makes me sleepy, and my eyes hurt 'cause the only thing to look at is the computer. I hear the muffled sounds of traffic all day, alternating with construction noises. People want things of me.
At home, it was usually the right temperature (I learned to regulate it pretty well, with fans and windows) or at least I could change clothes to adjust, it was a different kind of quiet, less muffled and more full of birds chirping and bees buzzing, and I had so many things to look at that my eyes weren't big enough. I regained my natural rhythms: I slept whenever I was tired, worked when I had energy, ate when I was hungry, woke up when I was good and ready and did whatever activity struck my fancy at the time. The weather wasn't fantastic, but that's ok, because when it rained I did indoor things that needed doing. We made good progress on several of our ongoing projects; indeed some of them grew as we worked. Here's an update on how I did with my vacation to-do list (as I write, hysterical sirens pass outside my office window. So peaceful):
1. We did indeed tear off the siding from the back wall of our house. We were limited for awhile by the length of our borrowed ladders, but thanks to the kindness of a fireman neighbor, we now have the use of a really really long solid one that got the job done. We tore off the siding, put up styrofoam, strapping, and ordered the new siding, which is going to cost more than I thought but require less work. I also bought the stains in very appealing colours, as intended. The siding was slow to arrive so we're stalled, but it should come today, then we can start staining.
2. We went to the spa. I made off like a bandit - there was nobody available to do my pre-arranged pedicure so they gave me a gift certificate for one, at a $75 value, without my even asking. Then I had a one-hour massage, which I can claim through my health plan at work. The masseuse also told me that both of my hips need work, and not to delay a trip to the physiotherapist. So that I must do today. Afterwards we went for lunch and a bit of shopping and we had a lovely day.
3. I stuck a few perennials in the older terraced beds, and they seem to be working out. We'll see. I still need mulch.
4. I removed the dirt from the laneway. I thought I would need a garbage can to hold it all, and made my dad bring over an old one of his, but turns out it was more like a garbage can PLUS 9 loads in the wheelbarrow to a remote part of my yard to get the job done. Took me an hour or more and I was filthy.
5. I haven't sold the chimney yet, but re-did the ad and re-posted it yesterday.
6. I don't know yet if our attempts at conception were successful, but I did everything I was supposed to, including two blood tests and some yucky drugs that gave me hot flashes.
7. We ixnayed the ampingcay. The weather was crummy and our friends were all busy. We stayed home and bummed around instead.
8. I visited my friend and her baby, who is crabby, and toured their new house and it's fabulous. The baby's cute though, even though she's a crabby crabster.
9. I took some wonderful photos, but then realized that there was no film in the camera. I proceeded to take more pictures but none of them equal the bottle bugs doing it or the toad pooping that I had on my first phantom role.
10. I finished up pottery class and had a wonderful dinner evening, and all of my projects came out of the kiln beautifully save for one little disappointing rough spot that I may still have re-glazed.
11. Went shopping with mom, and it was one of those bad shopping days where you can't find anything. We left pretty much empty-handed, except for a lovely skirt that i strong-armed mom into buying. She loves it now like I knew she would.
12. I perfected the vietnamese salad rolls, and brought them to the pottery potluck, where they were a hit.
13. I finished up my sweater, and it's ok. It fits weirdly at the bottom, it kind of goes wide at the hem. But I did start the new one, to my chagrin, and it is a challenge. Heavy too.
14. I read two books by Barbara Kingsolver, who is one of my favourites: The Bean Trees and Pigs in Heaven. Both excellent reads.
15. I don't know if my friend got her license. I was supposed to call her Friday and forgot to and now I feel like a deadbeat and am embarrassed to call. I am like that.
16. I ignored the boomerang garden completely.
17. I got a glowy tan. Not a dark tan, though my arms are pretty dark, but my face has a pleasant glow which is enough for me.
18. I made that CD the first day I had at home alone.
19. The wiring in my house is not appropriate for that light fixture and it's a halogen, as it turns out, and I hate how every single light fixture in my house takes different bulbs. So I'm going to return it. But as I went to put it in the car yesterday to return it, I dropped it and broke the (unprotected, thank you Ikea) glass shade. Now what?
20. We went fishing twice, and cleaned up. Each time we brought home two bass, which was way less than what we caught, for dinner. Mmm fresh fish fry for dinner is delicious with homemade french fries and garden-grown salad.
21. I didn't buy mulch but I should still. See #3.
22. I didn't get flagstone either. Seems I was more ambitious on the first part of my list.
23. I didn't dare move the furniture. Looking around, it didn't make a lot of sense, and hubby hates it when I move stuff around.
24. I did all the laundry (twice? Felt like it.) and caught up on all of my ironing, and even had to buy new hangers to accommodate my bursting closets. Now I can set to messing everything up and getting overwhelmed all over again.
25. I stained the stairs, but had the wind taken out of my sails when my overall plan changed halfway through. So now the stair surfaces has one coat of stain, but I need to sand the risers and stain them too, and paint the sides of the stairs the same colour as the walls. I think. Not sure. Plus the stain takes a lot longer to dry than I thought, and there are only so many days where I can afford not to go up to the second floor all day long.
I was busy on my holiday. Very busy. I also seemed to have lost 3 pounds or so - likely through manual labour, went to Lindsay to my cousin's bridal shower, had a friend from high school visit whom I haven't seen in 15 years, since graduation, who now lives in Minnesota (we reconnected through facebook), worked on the veggie garden quite a bit, cleaned house, organized my knitting stuff, played with my new digital camera, got to know my cats a bit better and chilled out in general. It felt so good. We also got new mailboxes, for which I campaigned my M.P. and the people at Canada Post for several years to get, so I feel vindicated and so happy. I am a minor activist. I need to send a nice thank-you card to the fellow at Canada Post with whom I was in regular communication.
Sigh. Now I am back to work and there was just an explosion outside of my window, preceded by three really loud whistles, thanks to the construction site next door. It's so relaxing.
I had to come back to work yesterday, kicking and screaming. It's cold here, and very quiet, and it makes me sleepy, and my eyes hurt 'cause the only thing to look at is the computer. I hear the muffled sounds of traffic all day, alternating with construction noises. People want things of me.
At home, it was usually the right temperature (I learned to regulate it pretty well, with fans and windows) or at least I could change clothes to adjust, it was a different kind of quiet, less muffled and more full of birds chirping and bees buzzing, and I had so many things to look at that my eyes weren't big enough. I regained my natural rhythms: I slept whenever I was tired, worked when I had energy, ate when I was hungry, woke up when I was good and ready and did whatever activity struck my fancy at the time. The weather wasn't fantastic, but that's ok, because when it rained I did indoor things that needed doing. We made good progress on several of our ongoing projects; indeed some of them grew as we worked. Here's an update on how I did with my vacation to-do list (as I write, hysterical sirens pass outside my office window. So peaceful):
1. We did indeed tear off the siding from the back wall of our house. We were limited for awhile by the length of our borrowed ladders, but thanks to the kindness of a fireman neighbor, we now have the use of a really really long solid one that got the job done. We tore off the siding, put up styrofoam, strapping, and ordered the new siding, which is going to cost more than I thought but require less work. I also bought the stains in very appealing colours, as intended. The siding was slow to arrive so we're stalled, but it should come today, then we can start staining.
2. We went to the spa. I made off like a bandit - there was nobody available to do my pre-arranged pedicure so they gave me a gift certificate for one, at a $75 value, without my even asking. Then I had a one-hour massage, which I can claim through my health plan at work. The masseuse also told me that both of my hips need work, and not to delay a trip to the physiotherapist. So that I must do today. Afterwards we went for lunch and a bit of shopping and we had a lovely day.
3. I stuck a few perennials in the older terraced beds, and they seem to be working out. We'll see. I still need mulch.
4. I removed the dirt from the laneway. I thought I would need a garbage can to hold it all, and made my dad bring over an old one of his, but turns out it was more like a garbage can PLUS 9 loads in the wheelbarrow to a remote part of my yard to get the job done. Took me an hour or more and I was filthy.
5. I haven't sold the chimney yet, but re-did the ad and re-posted it yesterday.
6. I don't know yet if our attempts at conception were successful, but I did everything I was supposed to, including two blood tests and some yucky drugs that gave me hot flashes.
7. We ixnayed the ampingcay. The weather was crummy and our friends were all busy. We stayed home and bummed around instead.
8. I visited my friend and her baby, who is crabby, and toured their new house and it's fabulous. The baby's cute though, even though she's a crabby crabster.
9. I took some wonderful photos, but then realized that there was no film in the camera. I proceeded to take more pictures but none of them equal the bottle bugs doing it or the toad pooping that I had on my first phantom role.
10. I finished up pottery class and had a wonderful dinner evening, and all of my projects came out of the kiln beautifully save for one little disappointing rough spot that I may still have re-glazed.
11. Went shopping with mom, and it was one of those bad shopping days where you can't find anything. We left pretty much empty-handed, except for a lovely skirt that i strong-armed mom into buying. She loves it now like I knew she would.
12. I perfected the vietnamese salad rolls, and brought them to the pottery potluck, where they were a hit.
13. I finished up my sweater, and it's ok. It fits weirdly at the bottom, it kind of goes wide at the hem. But I did start the new one, to my chagrin, and it is a challenge. Heavy too.
14. I read two books by Barbara Kingsolver, who is one of my favourites: The Bean Trees and Pigs in Heaven. Both excellent reads.
15. I don't know if my friend got her license. I was supposed to call her Friday and forgot to and now I feel like a deadbeat and am embarrassed to call. I am like that.
16. I ignored the boomerang garden completely.
17. I got a glowy tan. Not a dark tan, though my arms are pretty dark, but my face has a pleasant glow which is enough for me.
18. I made that CD the first day I had at home alone.
19. The wiring in my house is not appropriate for that light fixture and it's a halogen, as it turns out, and I hate how every single light fixture in my house takes different bulbs. So I'm going to return it. But as I went to put it in the car yesterday to return it, I dropped it and broke the (unprotected, thank you Ikea) glass shade. Now what?
20. We went fishing twice, and cleaned up. Each time we brought home two bass, which was way less than what we caught, for dinner. Mmm fresh fish fry for dinner is delicious with homemade french fries and garden-grown salad.
21. I didn't buy mulch but I should still. See #3.
22. I didn't get flagstone either. Seems I was more ambitious on the first part of my list.
23. I didn't dare move the furniture. Looking around, it didn't make a lot of sense, and hubby hates it when I move stuff around.
24. I did all the laundry (twice? Felt like it.) and caught up on all of my ironing, and even had to buy new hangers to accommodate my bursting closets. Now I can set to messing everything up and getting overwhelmed all over again.
25. I stained the stairs, but had the wind taken out of my sails when my overall plan changed halfway through. So now the stair surfaces has one coat of stain, but I need to sand the risers and stain them too, and paint the sides of the stairs the same colour as the walls. I think. Not sure. Plus the stain takes a lot longer to dry than I thought, and there are only so many days where I can afford not to go up to the second floor all day long.
I was busy on my holiday. Very busy. I also seemed to have lost 3 pounds or so - likely through manual labour, went to Lindsay to my cousin's bridal shower, had a friend from high school visit whom I haven't seen in 15 years, since graduation, who now lives in Minnesota (we reconnected through facebook), worked on the veggie garden quite a bit, cleaned house, organized my knitting stuff, played with my new digital camera, got to know my cats a bit better and chilled out in general. It felt so good. We also got new mailboxes, for which I campaigned my M.P. and the people at Canada Post for several years to get, so I feel vindicated and so happy. I am a minor activist. I need to send a nice thank-you card to the fellow at Canada Post with whom I was in regular communication.
Sigh. Now I am back to work and there was just an explosion outside of my window, preceded by three really loud whistles, thanks to the construction site next door. It's so relaxing.
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