
Weekly check-in

Hi all, it's time for a check-in. Last time I wrote all about Harry/Farley, our little basement tenant. I have spent the last several days thinking about the following things:

- seed catalogues have started arriving, and I have been looking even though last year I SWORE I had WAY TOO MANY SEEDS and would NOT be buying ANYTHING this year. Ha.

- we bought our ski passes yesterday. Now we have to figure out when to use them.

- Mom and Dad are off to Cuba on Friday. That means Rosie gets to go to daycare every day for a week! Wow will that ever be fun for all of us.

- tomorrow's temperature is supposed to be something insane like minus 48 or something. I got a new coat in the mail, which weighs exactly zero grams, and am excited to check it out.

Picture my head on here. And my hands.

- Harry/Farley continues to do well. No changes there, except that his new parents are beyond excited to meet him.

- I love my job. I get to look at art all day. It's rough, people, but somebody has to do it.

- Am waiting on the two new magazine subscriptions that hubby got me for xmas: Dwell, and Cottage Life.

- I am now an amateur architect (ahem), and so have designed about 6 different cottages on my computer, all under 850 square feet. It's hard to stop. We are gonna go to the cottage show in April and do some learnin'.

- No clue what to do for dinner. I'm thinking aloud here. Nothing is thawed and the kitchen is a disaster zone. Takeout? This is one of the downsides of living in the country: no chinese takeout. I am falling down on the dinner front lately. The produce is suffering.

- I have a weird urge to make a cake. A real, decorated, honest-to-goodness-with-homemade-frosting cake. I am going to make one for my new boss' farewell party next friday. He's moving to Australia. I am trying not to take it personally. Should I make cake for dinner?

- Rosie is now not so good at sleeping in the bed. She tends to sleep in the upper part, where we are, and she sleeps sideways. Ergo, hubby and I have not really slept well for the last few nights. She's still sweet though, so she gets away with it, though half the time I think she's fake-sleeping so we can't move her.

- I need plants for my office. I have stolen two cuttings off of some existing office plants, but am also considering an aloe, a small palm, and maybe one of those plants you can grow in a goldfish bowl with a beta fish swimming around the roots. I need some life at the office and I don't think they want me to bring Rosie in for the day.

- I have the urge these days to bring Rosie into the city. Crazy, I know, but I want to see how she does when there are TOO many people to jump on and TOO many cars to get excited about and TOO many other dogs to sniff. I think she will be humbled, and I want to see that. She's a country dog, so she still gets overly excited at every passing pedestrian or car. I want to see how she does on a busy sidewalk with traffic passing beside us - to see if she actually becomes blasé about it at some point. In her harness, of course. I guess I'm a bit late to the game on this one but there haven't been a lot of opportunities. I also need to post more pictures of her, to here and on facebook, so you all can enjoy her beauty. I can't say this enough: world's most gorgeous dog.
I'm actually a bit embarrassed by it, like people will think I strive for the most beautiful dog and spend money and time in the pursuit of that, but it's all natural. I think she could work in Hollywood.

- We're running out of firewood. OK it's getting to the end of this post; I have run out of things to say.

Enjoy the week, folks. We're heading into a crazy cold snap so I will be unashamedly wearing silly hats for the next 5 days, bad hair be damned.

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