
Halloween is for Grown-Ups

I am dismayed by the lack of enthusiasm around Halloween these days.

My friends are all in their thirties and forties. I understand that life is busy, dignity has to be maintained, and children complicate things. I understand all that but yet I still can’t figure out why nobody can match my enthusiasm when it comes to Halloween because it is seriously my favorite holiday of the year (sorry Christmas, you’re stressful).

This year I am most disappointed by the fact that even though Halloween falls on a Saturday, I’m still having a hard time drumming up enthusiasm for my Halloween party. Not to sound like a whiney 12-year-old, but really? For once you get to dress in disguise and drink all evening, not have to work the next day, and you’re choosing to stay home? Maybe I need to re-think my lifestyle choices but that sounds like a load of fun to me.

Also for the first time, we’re having a party that may not be for the kiddies. I am going out of my way to make things truly disturbing – blood in the bathtub, gory art on the walls, creepy lighting, boozy punch, décor that hints at recent not-exactly-professional surgical operations, etc. I can’t wait to decorate. So far in my social world I’ve made a real effort to incorporate my friends’ kids into our gatherings, but this time, not so much. I’ve bought a spray bottle of fake blood and will use it liberally. I’ve made frozen hearts out of fruit juice, to use as ice cubes in my bloody punch. I’ve gathered ‘creepy’ fruits (there are a lot of creepy fruits, as it turns out).

This year I get to develop two costumes: since I work in the Visual Arts section at work, we have collectively decided that everyone, all 17 of us, will dress as a famous work of art. They actually organize a Halloween parade at our work, so at 11:30, up to 50 trick-or-treaters will weave up and down the hallways collecting candies, and judges will dole out prizes to the best costumes and best-decorated section. We’re going for gold this year; five of my colleagues are going as ‘dogs playing poker’, one’s going as Van Gogh, a few of them are going minimalist – a Mondrian, a Malevich, and a Magritte, two are teaming up to do ‘American Gothic’, the CanCon will be Emily Carr, we have a token Mona Lisa, and I will be Frida Kahlo, which has been a hoot to (re)create.

For the party Saturday night, I’m going to be a terrifying zombie, plain and simple. Halloween is meant to be scary, in my book. That leaves the door open, as one can be a zombie anything (except a zombie vampire, which my neighbor Dawn argues is entirely possible “what if you were bitten by a vampire AND had your brains eaten by a zombie?” she asked in all seriousness). First Rosie goes to the kennel, because she lost her mind last weekend when I put on my Frida Kahlo wig and I don’t really think she’ll be able to hack a costume, let alone a room full of costumes. Then I’ll decorate, and then will get the trick-or-treaters out of the way, and then I’ll get into my costume. I am so excited. Only two more big sleeps!

I PROMISE I’ll post pictures next week.


Anonymous said...

Hi Genny, I just happened upon your blog. Hallowe’en is also my favourite holiday! That's so great that your work celebrates too.

Most of my friends are in their late 20s and are childless but they are as unenthusiastic as your older friends. My husband and I have been working on our costumes for a month. We’re hoping to hit up as many Hallowe'en parties this weekend as possible - Our costumes are too funny to not show off!
Wendy :)

cmontgomery said...

Great Hallowe'en pics--truly scary! Looks liked a fun party. And impressive carved pumpkins, too.