
Bad Little Gardener

I've been negligent. This past weekend, it was my intention to weed everything, prune the blackberries, 'cull' the annuals, install some stepping stones that I made, and trim everything up. Instead, we went fishing on Saturday and I went with my parents to the air show on Sunday. All I managed to do was pick a zucchini and some tomatoes. The side garden is a total mess - I haven't touched it since early July - and the perennial one in the front is not much better. I definitely have to move some things around next year, perhaps I'll do it this fall.

The Abyssinian Glads are in full bloom, and they're gorgeous. I also am having some success with the little mini-rose that I rescued from the Reno Depot discount section. My pumpkin is bright orange - it's like a miracle to me! - and I have more zukes when I thought they were finished for the year. The yellow pear-shaped tomatoes are really prolific, we eat them almost every day. We haven't mowed the lawn since before the wedding, and it's a bit of a disaster.

Perhaps this week after work I'll plan for easy dinners and I'll pick at the garden every night for an hour or so. Maybe by the weekend we'll be ready to mow it and trim the edges. Right now it's a bit scary to navigate through some areas of the 'lawn'. It's full of frogs and mice and who knows what else.

I'm also on the verge of admitting to myself that I am a lousy container gardener. I just don't seem to be able to keep the plants lush and productive. They always dry out or something, or just get...neglected. I hate to admit it, but I lose interest in them after awhile and nothing thrives on that kind of attention.

Anyway, everything looks like crap right now, but I'm sure with a few hours' hard work it'll clean up just fine. argh.

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